
Modern striking is techniques and tactics taken from multiple disciplines such as Muay Thai, Dutch kickboxing, Western boxing, and Mixed martial arts and using what is effective. Similar to Bruce Lee’s philosophy of “Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.”

Classes develop footwork and striking skills in all ranges of stand up combat. These classes are a combination of a great workout physically and mentally.

This is not a full program of study we offer here, but a supplemental class for our members. It is open to students with previous striking experience, but this is not a beginners course format.

Alex Hild has been a student of our CVLBJJ Muay Thai program since 2016. He has a passion for kickboxing and likes to instruct our Monday evening classes. Alex keeps up to date with current fighters and likes to keep students active with developmental drills and technical lessons.

Classes are held on Mondays from 6:30pm-7:30pm.
Interested in training with us?